
the Intuitive Truth™ Program


Awakened Soul

Spiritual mentor for women

Deep down you are desiring so much more for yourself and your life. Too many women are holding back and suppressing the deeper layers of who they are. There is so much that your spirit and soul want to share with you, and I’m sure you feel it or you wouldn’t be here. A spiritual mentor or spiritual guide for women is a wonderful solution to guide you in strengthening this relationship with yourself and a necessary step for your personal growth.

Often enough women get stuck out of fear of the unknown, not feeling worthy enough to invest in herself, and shy away from the vulnerability of setting strong boundaries when compromising and people-pleasing has been the norm. Women have been shamed into silence for centuries, and this generational trauma and society conditioning has left a lasting impact on us. I’m inviting you to step forward and get curious on what your soul is guiding you toward, opening yourself up to new levels of awareness to embody more of your spiritual essence.


Spiritual healing therapy and soul guidance


Minimizing, suppressing, and withholding your truth goes against the nature of your spirit and soul to evolve. You can feel the heaviness in your body, and a desire to connect with yourself deeper. Women all over the planet are feeling a powerful awakening and seek spiritual therapy and guidance on how to integrate and work with all these new energies. As a spiritual guide, I guide you home to your authentic essence freeing you from the limitations and patterns created from trauma, society, and family conditioning so you can be in spiritual union with yourself, children, and the planet.

With 9 years of serving clients, a deep well of experience overcoming my own life trauma, and visiting sacred sites to connect with my Soul gifts, I offer my clients a wealth of life experience, tools, resources, and education to support them in their own unique path of reclaiming one’s soul essence.


This is for you if you want…

  • To develop your feminine essence

  • To step into your life purpose

  • Heal family + childhood trauma + conditioned patterns

  • Build a strong foundation of self-trust

  • Tune in to your soul’s guidance + wisdom

  • Inner child healing  

  • Strengthen your planetary relationship

  • Trust your voice + intuitive instincts

  • Guidance for conscious Motherhood (for those on this path)

  • Spiritual training + education




The Program Details


With me as your spiritual guide and energy healer, we will meet weekly for your choice of one to nine months. Experience loving, perfectly paced guidance + support to guide you toward your deep inner knowing so you can set yourself free and embody your soul’s essence.



The Emergence, to come forth and meet yourself with sacred honor.


The Foundation, building the groundwork.


The Revelation, unveiling your deep inner knowing.


The Embodiment, a living expression of what you stand for.


This offering is for women who desire to step into elevated levels of personal integrity, personal truth, and spiritual union. This is where you get to heal, grow, and blossom into your authentic being connected to heart, womb, earth, and soul.


what's inside?

  • 1:1 weekly intuitive spiritual guidance sessions

  • Somatic energy healing to heal the inner child

  • Guided meditations, activations, and teachings led by Sarah Christine Gill

  • Intuitive Journaling for Soul-Guided Clarity™

  • Loving, perfectly paced guidance + support with no judgment

  • Client folder via Google Drive with session recordings and materials


Your Path Toward

Becoming an Awakened and empowered woman


Living life in an unconscious, autopilot mode does not serve you. Society is so massively manipulated and conditioned that you don’t even realize just how impacted you are. You have to get curious and start questioning everything that you have been taught, learned, and are fed on a daily basis through news, family, friends, and sort out what is the truth for you. Then, you can create a life that aligns with these values no matter what anyone else is doing around you. Consciousness is a daily choice. You have to be willing to see the truth and take the blinders off, to go deeper inside yourself into the wounding and trauma and work with the uncomfortable parts that want to be liberated. Making conscious choices to release the limitations and pattern interrupt is the path of soul liberation and awakening.

You are here to experience the path of spiritual awakening. Allow me to guide and mentor you through the many different shifts that come up as you learn to navigate this path into your everyday life so you can embody your light.


The Investment


The monthly investment is $600 for you to heal and deepen your relationship to self and your spiritual embodiment. Book a free Zoom consultation using the button below to begin.



Connect with your feminine wisdom


Create space for yourself to connect to your inner being and receive the healing you need to best guide you on the next steps of your journey. This offering has been designed to support you with room for flexibility and flow to meet you exactly where you are at. There is no one size fits all. I adjust and create what it is that you are needing in the moment week by week. You are a unique one-of-a-kind soul, and I honor that in you.

I love supporting women who are dedicated to their spiritual path of healing and self-growth.

If you are a woman in preconception seeking support and healing to prepare for Motherhood, or a new or seasoned Mother, I have a special place for you inside one of my Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Programs. Book a consultation with me to explore this path.


It’s time to step onto the path of soul devotion and start living as the powerful spiritual being that you are.

  • Embody more of your spirit and soul’s essence

  • Get to know your sacred womb

  • Deepen your planetary spirituality

  • Heal unresolved emotional pain

  • Strengthen your compassion for self and others

  • Step by step teachings + guidance for your own unique path

  • Heal the heart of your inner child

  • Live with strong, healthy boundaries

  • Awaken your ancestral gifts + wisdom

  • Reparent yourself during Motherhood


Kind Words

from grateful souls

“Sarah Christine walks her talk like no one I’ve ever met. I started working with her in 2018 to prepare myself for motherhood and clear the trauma that got in the way of being fully present for myself and my future child. Sarah gave me crystal clear guidance on how to embody love for my child as deeply as I could—and I felt seen, heard, and held every step of the way. Her energy is both gentle and powerful. If you’re a mother, aspiring mother, or someone who wants to break free from pain and suffering, make Sarah part of your journey. She is more than worth the investment!”

Alana Helapitage

New Client Openings


Let’s work together and reveal your authentic essence. It would be my honor to be your guide. Book a consultation below to begin your journey of healing and living an empowered, authentic life.



have questions?

  • Yes. You can always add-on the 3, 6, or 9 months support.

  • Please book a consultation with me to receive a PDF and overview of these programs. These are powerful programs designed to awaken, educate, and support women on the path of Motherhood to honor the spirit of her children.

  • At the completion of our work together, you have the option to extend our time together for additional months or join a private group on Telegram for women who are on this journey with continued text/voice support from me for $111 a month. All that is required from you is that you be present, receive and experience yourself in a new way.

  • Yes! You can pay weekly, biweekly, monthly, or pay in full. Book a consultation to work out the details of your payment plan.

  • Yes! You can purchase additional healing sessions on the side for $150.

  • To download the app is free, and the additional support from me is $111 per month. Clients love this option and ability to reach out to me between sessions to share insights and ask for guidance when they feel stuck between sessions. The more you engage with me, the more forward momentum you receive.
